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Alleghiamo il comunicato ufficiale del Prof. Gellert:

In considerazione delle condizioni di salute del vice plenipotenziario generale / plenipotenziario generale ad interim, dott. Oliver Gruber-Lavin (ndr), il precedente plenipotenziario generale Prof. Dr. Lothar Gellert ha accettato di continuare a guidare l'Unione internazionale di Lazzaro.

Per motivi di convalescenza, il Dep. Plenipotenziario generale / Plenipotenziario generale provvisorio è esonerato da tutti gli obblighi nei confronti dell'Unione Lazzaro per i prossimi mesi.

Il web shop è di nuovo operativo ed è ora proseguito nel noto modo eccellente sotto il tetto del team amministrativo. Al fine di poter utilizzare gli effetti sinergici nell'approvvigionamento da un lato e la progettazione di uniformi e componenti uniformi dall'altro, i compiti del Rappresentante delle Uniformi vengono svolti anche dal comprovato gruppo amministrativo nella suddivisione di "Uniformi e Approvvigionamento" nell'ambito di una riorganizzazione.

I nostri ringraziamenti vanno al precedente rappresentante uniforme Peter Domweber per il suo lavoro finora.

Il monitoraggio del registratore di cassa delle entrate e delle uscite viene effettuato come in precedenza, tenendo conto del principio multi-occhio.

Ciò garantisce il futuro e la continua esistenza dell'Unione di Lazzaro.

Prof. Dott. Lothar Gellert Plenipotenziario Generale

Trasmettiamo anche il messaggio di Auguri del Plenipotenziario Generale:

Dear comrades!

On behalf of the Board of the International Lazarus Union, I wish you all a nice 2nd Christmas Day.

We hope that everybody could celebrate Christmas in the way he / she had imagined: in the family or with friends. The only important thing is that everyone has not lost sight of the actual idea of Christmas and was able to find a few minutes of contemplation.

Now we are at the beginning of a new year. And we all ask ourselves: “What will this new year bring to us?”

We all know that our Lazarus Union faces major challenges. But I am sure that together we will master these challenges. And when I say TOGETHER, I mean it literally. Our Union can only survive if WE ALL pull together. Nobody must be sure that someone else will do the work. And if we are aware of this and act accordingly, our Lazarus Union will continue to be successful.

Of course, we are also aware that each of you has his or her own ideas and ask himself: “Will our wishes and hopes come true? Can we preserve the most precious good – our health and that of our closest relatives? ”

Although, of course, each of us has a very special kind of wish for himself and his family, we must not forget that there are other people around us who, in our eyes, may also have very modest wishes and hopes for these people but can be vital to life. Therefore, we should not only extend our hopes to ourselves, but also to the people we do not know personally, but whom we can recognize when we walk through the city with open eyes as people who need help and support.

Our hope for the year ahead now should also cover those who do not live on the brink of subsistence but who live in areas prone to war or natural disasters. Let us hope that they do not have to fear for their own health and that of their children.

In addition to hope, we as an active charitable organization should also focus on the idea of help.

And there are plenty of ways to help. Every single one of us is called to go through the world with open eyes and he / she quickly becomes aware of where and how help can be given. We often see people sitting on the asphalt with a blackboard in front of them that says “I’m hungry”. So why not quickly jump into the nearest bakery, buy 1-2 sandwiches and help this person? This issue will certainly not harm us and the hungry will be happy about this mild gift.

And can there be anything better than being able to tell yourself at the end of 2020 “I have contributed to make the world a little bit better.”

In this sense, I wish all comrades a Happy New Year, in which your personal wishes can be realized and our Union and all other charitable organizations I wish that we succeed in dedicating ourselves to other people’s hopes and their need alleviate.

Prof. Dr. Lothar Gellert For the Board of the CSLI

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